Coffee Banana Smoothie
I love smoothies. In an effort to remain healthy I decided to combine some of my favorite things into a delicious concoction.
There is a slight bit of preparation needed. You’ll need to freeze some of your favorite coffee to make frozen coffee cubes. Since we’re in the Netherlands at the moment, we’re using Cafe Holland. To add a special kick we brewed the coffee a bit of nutmeg before freezing.
Once the cubes are ready, place a few in a blender. Next add a couple of tablespoons of oats. Add a tablespoon of peanut butter and a dollop of honey. You can also choose to add fresh vanilla bean too. Of course, if you have another flavor you like feel free to use it as a substitute. The same is true for the honey. If you prefer unsweetened or another sweetener, then do that.
Next add an entire banana and ½ cup of milk or a substitute. I’ve tried this smoothie with almond milk and sometimes with chocolate milk as my substitutes. Instead of plain peanut butter I once used sesame (tahin) and another time cashew nut butter. Call me crazy but I found them delicious. Make it your own.
Now that all of the ingredients are in, it’s time to blend. Personally, I like my smoothie to be smooth, so I’ll blend it until it’s all one color and really smoooooth. A friend of mine replaced the peanut butter with a handful of sunflower seeds because she really likes to have a chewy smoothie. I have to admit that it was also delicious and chewing can often be relaxing.
Once you have your preferred consistency, stop blending, and pour it into a cup. I sometimes put it in my travel mug when I’m on the road. Add any additional topping you like, such as cocoa powder or cinnamon. It’s great way to start your day.